Testimony of Theodoros Mitseas (EN)

Δημοσιεύθηκε : Δευτέρα, 04 Αύγουστος 2014


Dear, brother I salute you in the name of Jesus Christ. When I left America in 1975, from Hallelujah House (HH) and came in Greece, I started speak with zeal about Lord to all of my relatives. They expected from me to bring back dollars from America, but I brought a suitcase full of Holly Bibles and other Christian printed matters. Of course I disappointed them, but they were happy because I was alive ( They thought that I was lost). As time went by I started to became weaker in the spirit. I joined the army (there I fell in sin) and I spent 4 years away from Jesus. Always I was praying with tears in my eyes and I thank God that he helped me to stand spiritually in my feet again. In that period of time I met my wife Vaso and we had our first child, John.

My heart was empty without Jesus, I started to pray and ask for our Lord. Lord visited me, he gave me strength and he filled me with the Holy Spirit. I was praying,« if there are any brothers and sisters in Greece Lord, send them now to meet each other». While I was praying in my house and I was saying « I want now», suddenly the door knocked. There were some brothers from the church in Athens. We spoke each other and we were agreed about everything, and in that way I met my brothers.

Lord saved my wife Vaso, my father, my mother, my brother with his wife, my sister and some other souls. With another brother we started to aggregate and in that way started the Churh in Kalamata. In few years Lord added more brothers and sisters. We thank Him and we praise Him. I served as an elder in Church of Kalamata.

Later, the fire transferred in the neighboring town Sparta. A brother saved there, and we started visiting him and praying. He aggregated all of his relatives and friends and they heard the Word of God. Brother’s family saved, as many of his friends. In that way started the work of God in Sparta and in our days exist there, by the grace of the Lord, many immortal souls. Praise the Lord.

Shepherd in Kalamata, was and is , brother that we started together. I was praying and I expected to propose me to take on the church of Sparta, because I wanted to work for Lord. But it was told that the brother, who is shepherd today, should undertake. I thought that I was inappropriate as a shepherd, so that’s why Lord didn’t gave me to do that work. This period I had some problems and I was very sad with all this situation. One day I was in fast and I was disappointed. I was working when Lord visited me. My heart broke and I started crying. Lord spoke to me. He said << My servant Jacob don’t be afraid I won’t let you be aggrieved. I ‘ll give you Leah, that’ s Tripolis , who will bear to you, many children. And after that I’ ll give you Rachel too>>. I understood that a church will begun in the city of Tripolis and that I ‘ ll undertook that work. I became very happy. Saddness gone. So God is pleased to me and he wants from me to work for His name. It wasn’t just as the enemy whispered to me. Indeed , things happened just as God said to me. We opened a hall and I was preaching the Word of God in two brothers and in my family. I also put a radio station with preaches from the Word of God. After three years new souls started join us. They were ready, reborn and they wanted to baptized. The work went and in other neighbor cities. We realize that it was easier for the people to believe when they heard the Word of God through the radio station. So we started putting radio stations all around Greece. We thank God because today many souls have been saved , many churches opened and seeding goes on in whole Greece and other nearby countries. Praise the Lord. One morning of 1995 while I was working ( I handle digging machines), I felt suddenly a sweet presence (very sweet). Tears filled my eyes. I understood that it was Lord. I felt so beautiful and sweet. I said : Are you my Lord? You visited me ,while I wasn’ t asking for you? Thank you my Lord. While I was expressing to God my thankfulness and praise, He spoke to me again . He said :<< My child I want for you to fight for the truth>>. He gave me to understand that he wants from me to do exactly what his Word says without adulterate it. Instead, I should preach the Word of God precisely and not compromise with anyone who probably may wanted to change it or misquote it. I should fight to convince other people, and brother besides, to stand all together in the whole truth, and don’t let pass in our lives and in church any carnal habit that Jesus Christ dislikes it. Inside of that very sweet voice, I distinguished an illimitable love, sympathy, affection and understanding. I can’t forget that sweet voice and there are no words to express that illimitable love in voice of God. I thank Him and I praise Him. Now I cannot be disobedient in His Word.

In 2005 we were in an elders meeting in Athens and we were talking for a radio that it has closed after governments demand. A brother said that he didn’t knew whether the radio station will reoperate, but he said that God showed to him that He will do something very big. We left and those words – big, big, very big-, resound inside me consecutively and strongly. I asked Lord: What is that big? But I didn’t get a reply that moment. After a short period of time while we were in fast and pray, a morning God showed me what that big thing was. He showed me that the Olympic stadiums they haven’t built only for the Olympic Games, but also as places for preaching the Evangel. As people gave medals to the winners of the Olympic Games, in the same way I ‘ll give prices to my servants , to those that I am pleased. I ‘ll give such kind of charismas and such kind of miracles will happen, that they didn’t take place neither in the period of the Apostles. Whole earth will waggle from the grandiosity of the Lord. Lord Jesus Christ will do creative miracles. Lord showed that people with cut hand or leg , while the servants of God were praying on them and they were putting their hands on them, a new hand or leg was created. In the same way people with no eyes, they got new eyes. Lord showed me all these.

Blessed everyone who believes that God is strong to do all these things and he will. For that reason we must fight in that stadium of life to stay exactly to whatever the Word of God says, not only to allow God to use us, but also achieve to be transfigured and meet Lord in the air.

Dear, brother we still fighting in the work of God and in prays. Last Sunday I spoke to brothers and sisters for you and for HH, and that message was heard to whole Greece by the radio station. I beseech all brothers and sisters to pray for you and all brothers and sisters in America. Me indeed, I feel half American. Physically I born in Greece, but spiritually I reborn in America and I consider her as my spiritual homeland and I love her very much. However , I am very sorry because ,from that I know and see in most churches, they don’t stay in truth but worldliness and sin came in to churches. It’ s truth that Christians from America preach Evangel in whole world and God made a great work with American brothers. Nowadays most Christians have decamped and they have turned their attention to dance and miracles. They have left behind holy life and prays.

Dear, brother I have pain in my heart for brothers and sisters , who I informed that they are divorcees. A brother from America said to me : Brother pray for America. I know that you love America. Because 7 from 10 elders are divorcees and married again. But there is hope if they return to the truth. I wish the church you go stays in whole truth. Please study the ancient greek texture of New Testament because there are mistakes in the translation ( Look at www.Christianity.gr , From thesaurus of greek texture) .

Closing dear brother I beseech you to transfer my love to all brothers and sisters . Please send me as many telephone numbers from brothers and sisters you can. I would like to communicate with them. If you distinguish that those I am writing you about are from Lord and you believe that God spoke to me and He will do great things, please pray and wait for God. Please give this letter to your shepherd and if he see that all of these that I am writing about are from God please let me know and I ‘ll find the way to come and say more details. You did very well that you put in your website our addresses and if you want put that testimony too. Please send this letter to Christian all over the world to read it. We should put the heads down, like prophet Elias did, and pray asking for God to send the latter rain ( Joel, 2,28/Zechariah,10,1/Hebrews,12,26). And Lord will do grandeurs. Thanks for all.

 .his truth is a shield and buckler. (Psalms, 91, 4)

 With Jesus Christ love,

Your brother Ted the Greek.

P.S.: Whoever believes that those messages are from God let start praying. We in Tripolis , together with other brothers and sisters in Greece, we have started a prayers- chain. If you want , you could participate by taking one specific hour during the day[Weren't you able to stay awake even for one hour?-Keep watch, and pray (Mark, 14, 37-38)]


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